Dr. Maria Langworthy is the Worldwide Director of Education Research at Microsoft. Currently, she leads Open Education Analytics, an international community of education systems collaborating to develop open-source data solutions. Prior to OEA, she led early-stage product development for Microsoft products such as Education Insights, Reflect, and Career Coach.
Prior to joining Microsoft in 2016, Maria was the Senior Officer of Strategic Data for Education at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Previously, Maria served as the Global Director of New Measures for the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning project led by Michael Fullan. This project is an international collaboration of education systems working together to implement competency-based approaches to teaching and learning. Maria also initiated and ran the Innovative Teaching and Learning Research project. ITL Research was an 8-country study investigating innovative teaching and students’ development of the ‘new’ competencies. The “21st Century Learning Design” program she initiated based on ITL Research methods is used by teachers and schools in over 30 countries to redesign learning experiences towards these competencies.
Dr. Langworthy holds a M.A. degree in International Relations and a Ph.D. in Political Sociology, both from Boston University.